Our bar and lounge will make your stay at the hotel even more enjoyable.
Here you can enjoy whiskey or wine after dinner, and guests staying multiple nights are free to use the room as a library or tea time lounge.
Anna Magdalena
Anna Magdalena Bach was Bach's beloved wife, a soprano singer and composer.
She was said to be a kind and charming woman who loved birds and plants.
She and J.S. Bach were united by their shared interest in music and are said to have led a happy family life.
She also frequently helped to transcribe Bach's scores, and Anna Magdalena's handwriting was
It is said that he eventually began to resemble Bach.
Bar & Lounge
- Hours:
- Lounge service | 15:00 - 18:00
- BAR TIME | 20:00 - 24:00 (LO23:00)
- Number of seats:
- Window seats: 3 seats for 6 people
- Counter for 6 people
- Floor 7 people
* Lounge service exclusively for hotel guests is self-service.